Last modified: 2010-05-15 15:56:48 UTC
I am setting up a new webserver for a small non-profit. Our company assists people with disabilities in gaining competitive employment, and tools like yours can add rocket-fuel to accomplishing our mission. I would really like to include mediawiki in our offering. It's a beautiful tool, but I cannot use it in its current state because: 1) Security risks 2) Lack of batch mgmt and registration inspection tools. 1 is really a reflection of 2. If you beef up controls of people who are registering, and make it easier to monitor who has access to what, that will greatly ease security concerns. Desired Use case: - Customizing the 'Create your Account' page - Posts list of questions to be answered by user in text box. - Posts content for email to be sent out after user fills form; decline email and acceptance email. - Admin logs in - Goes to Special Pages PendingRegistrations - Reads profile, plus answers - Accepts, declines, or leaves alone - Admin goes to Group Management - Admin selects group from drop-down list - Admin sees scrolldown list of users in groups, and general population - Admin drops people from group, adds people to groups from general population Do you also have the ability to create new groups? Do you also have the ability to tie groups to categories? (I'd like to have categories only staff has access to, and one for just clients/staff, and one for general population). I know you have an extension, SpecialPermission, but this is important enough that it needs to be part of the core offering. I also tried running it, and it bombed without registering any errors in the log, and rendered the entire wiki unusable. If you were to add this feature, I can then use the wiki. Thank you.
You don't want a piece of wiki software.