Last modified: 2014-02-12 23:45:32 UTC
Time bar disappears on iOS 7 when mobile web wikipedia is launched from a "Add To Home screen" shortcut.
Prioritization and scheduling of this bug is tracked on Mingle card
We should probably disable the "apple-mobile-web-app-capable" meta key since we don't seem to actually work properly with it, at least in iOS 7: * there's the issue with the status bar disappearing as noted here (adjusting apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style meta key might help though) * if you actually click on a link, it opens the page in Safari, instead of in the web app * if something did open in the window, you'd have no way to go back to the previous page because there's no forward/back/etc chrome * it seems to make my iPhone 5s crash a lot :P
If you run alpha, which has ajax page loading, it functions as a standalone web app. This is the end goal. Although we are not at the finish line (this is why this bug and others exist) Personally I don't see any harm in it existing. If anything it hopefully will encourage someone to make it better (for instance this bug has been raised :)) Patch to restore it would be much appreciated. Page?mobileaction=alpha Try bookmarking the above for example.
Hmm, yeah that works for some links but not all. For intance loading up the watchlist prompts me to login in an overlay, but then sends me off to Safari... where I'm not logged in ... for Special:Watchlist and I get an error prompting me to log in again within Safari. Might want to remove the marker except when actually in alpha mode, if we want to keep it around for alpha-mode testing?
See also bug 60917 about the lack of back/forward controls.
Brion yeah special pages cannot currently be loaded via JavaScript.. one day! Limiting it to just alpha might be a good idea - I'm not sure - I just worry it will mean it will get no attention as there will be little incentive to fix it. Also see bug 60918 Moiz: Is it actually possible to show the time bar? Are there any bookmarked web apps you use that behave the way you might expect? I can't seem to find any documentation around the time bar.
<meta name=”viewport” content=”width=1024, minimal-ui”>. may be worth exploring for ios7...
Change 112167 had a related patch set uploaded by Jdlrobson: Restore time bar
Change 112167 merged by jenkins-bot: Restore time bar
Merged, marking as fixed.