Last modified: 2013-12-28 13:23:04 UTC

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Bug 59022 - REPORTS-59 Create a query: list of Wiki loves Monuments uploaders
REPORTS-59 Create a query: list of Wiki loves Monuments uploaders
Product: Tool Labs tools
Classification: Unclassified
tsreports (Other open bugs)
All All
: Unprioritized minor
: ---
Assigned To: Bugzilla Bug Importer (valhallasw)
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Reported: 2013-12-28 13:23 UTC by Bugzilla Bug Importer (valhallasw)
Modified: 2013-12-28 13:23 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Web browser: ---
Mobile Platform: ---
Assignee Huggle Beta Tester: ---


Description Bugzilla Bug Importer (valhallasw) 2013-12-28 13:23:01 UTC
This issue was converted from
Summary: Create a query: list of Wiki loves Monuments uploaders
Issue type: New Feature - A new feature of the product, which has yet to be developed.
Priority: Minor
Status: Closed
Assignee: Merlijn van Deen <>

From: Merlijn van Deen <>
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2010 20:50:32

Port to tsreports. Example output is at Query is as follows:

/* Make a list of WLM uploaders */  
connect commonswiki_p commonswiki-p.db;  
SELECT CONCAT('*[[User:', img_user_text,'|', img_user_text, ']] - ', COUNT(img_user_text)) FROM image  
JOIN page ON img_name=page_title  
JOIN categorylinks ON page_id=cl_from  
page_namespace=6 AND   
page_is_redirect=0 AND  
GROUP BY img_user_text  
ORDER BY COUNT(img_user_text) DESC;
Comment 1 Bugzilla Bug Importer (valhallasw) 2013-12-28 13:23:02 UTC
From: Merlijn van Deen <>
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2010 21:01:08

Fixed in r10.
Comment 2 Bugzilla Bug Importer (valhallasw) 2013-12-28 13:23:04 UTC
This bug was imported as RESOLVED. The original assignee has therefore not been
set, and the original reporters/responders have not been added as CC, to
prevent bugspam.

If you re-open this bug, please consider adding these people to the CC list:
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