Last modified: 2014-02-12 23:45:47 UTC
When not logged in uploads page currently displays error message: "You must be logged in to see your uploads." Watchlist page says, "You must be logged in to watch pages." This is confusing to a new user. I suggest we change the copy to quickly explain what these pages are and sound more inviting. Something like - uploads: "Log in to donate images and media to Wikipedia. Your images help educate people around the world" watchlist: "Log in to save pages to your Watchlist - a way to keep track of changes." Welcome suggestions for the new copy!
Prioritization and scheduling of this bug is tracked on Mingle card
I've created a stub story in Mingle to capture this feature request: Feel free to add detail there, or sync up with Kenan when there is more clarity around this.
Change 99777 had a related patch set uploaded by Jdlrobson: WIP: Story 1405: Update messages
Change 99777 merged by jenkins-bot: Story 1405: Update messages