Last modified: 2006-07-22 19:56:29 UTC
Hallo! If analysing Bug 5422: Change interface file for new Romani Wikipedia (rmy) you may see that [[meta:LanguageRmy.php]] contains 80% - 95% messages from MessagesRo.php. [[meta:LanguageRmy.php/sandbox]] contains the messages (translated so far) which should be part of MessagesRmy.php. If a require_once 'LanguageRo.php'; would be included in LanguageRmy.php (together with the other required dependency statements) and at some point in time {{ns:user}} would differ in LanguageRmy.php from LanguageRo.php messages as 'alreadyrolled' => "Nu se poate reveni peste ultima editare a [[$1]] făcută de către [[Utilizator:$2|$2]] ([[Discuţie utilizator:$2|Discuţie]]); altcineva a editat articolul sau a revenit deja. Ultima editare a fost făcută de către [[Utilizator:$3|$3]] ([[Discuţie utilizator:$3|Discuţie]])." would fail in . This was just an example, this is why making a *more general request* At least for MessagesXx.php files included in other language files all "localized" references to namespaces should be replaced with generic ones. For readability the {{ns:foo}} (as {{ns:user}}) should be prefered over {{ns:number}} (as {{ns:2}}). Such usage would not harm in the "other" MessagesXx.php files either. best regards reinhardt [[user:gangleri]] references: [[ro:template:wikivar]] [[rmy:template:wikivar]]
Use the canonical namespace names.