Last modified: 2006-03-07 04:27:12 UTC

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Bug 5161 - dewiki: Wrong template inclusions listed on page creation, database fix needed
dewiki: Wrong template inclusions listed on page creation, database fix needed
Product: Wikimedia
Classification: Unclassified
General/Unknown (Other open bugs)
All All
: Normal normal with 1 vote (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Nobody - You can work on this!
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Reported: 2006-03-04 10:43 UTC by Hendrik Brummermann
Modified: 2006-03-07 04:27 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Web browser: ---
Mobile Platform: ---
Assignee Huggle Beta Tester: ---


Description Hendrik Brummermann 2006-03-04 10:43:21 UTC

there are some broken entries in the templatelink table:

mysql> SELECT * FROM templatelinks WHERE tl_from <= 0;
| tl_from | tl_namespace | tl_title                                 |
|       0 |           10 | Classis                                  |
|       0 |           10 | Familia                                  |
|       0 |           10 | Genus                                    |
|       0 |           10 | Gesprochen                               |
|       0 |           10 | Navigationsleiste_GFM                    |
|       0 |           10 | Navigationsleiste_ohne_Bild              |
|       0 |           10 | Ordo                                     |
|       0 |           10 | Phylum                                   |
|       0 |           10 | Seria                                    |
|       0 |           10 | Species                                  |
|       0 |           10 | Subclassis                               |
|       0 |           10 | Subphylum                                |
|       0 |           10 | Superfamilia                             |
|       0 |           10 | Superordo                                |
|       0 |           10 | Taxonomy                                 |
|       0 |          100 | Lebewesen/Artikel_der_Woche              |
|       0 |          100 | Lebewesen/Neue_Artikel                   |
|       0 |          100 | Lebewesen/Neue_Bilder                    |
|       0 |          100 | Lebewesen/Ungeschriebene_Artikel         |
|       0 |          100 | Lebewesen/Vorschläge_exzellente_Artikel |
|       0 |          100 | Lebewesen/Vorschläge_exzellente_Bilder  |
21 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Please delete them:

DELETE FROM templatelinks WHERE tl_from = 0;

Comment 1 Brion Vibber 2006-03-07 04:27:12 UTC
Still don't know what causes such entries to show up in the db.

The display was a regression; it had previously been fixed for pagelinks use, as I 
recall. Fixed now in CVS HEAD for Article::getUsedTemplates().

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