Last modified: 2013-06-07 09:56:41 UTC

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Bug 48864 - SetQualifier api module does not decode json data value properly
SetQualifier api module does not decode json data value properly
Product: MediaWiki extensions
Classification: Unclassified
WikidataRepo (Other open bugs)
All All
: High normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Wikidata bugs
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Reported: 2013-05-27 15:42 UTC by Aude
Modified: 2013-06-07 09:56 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Web browser: ---
Mobile Platform: ---
Assignee Huggle Beta Tester: ---


Description Aude 2013-05-27 15:42:34 UTC
I get this exception stack trace as my error code when I put a prefixed id for property id in the set qualifier api module.

This needs proper error handling and such to catch this type of stuff.  Bots should not be able to cause exceptions like this.

)'{"error":{"code":"internal_api_error_MWException","info":"Exception Caught: $numericId needs to be an integer","*":"\\n\\n#0 /var/www/common/wikibase-repo/extensions/Wikibase/DataModel/DataModel/Entity/EntityId.php(286): Wikibase\\\\EntityId->__construct(\'\\"\', \'\\"\')\\n#1 /var/www/common/wikibase-repo/extensions/DataValues/DataValues/includes/DataValueFactory.php(102): Wikibase\\\\EntityId::newFromArray(\'\\"mp8kSfmPw5m2\\"\')\\n#2 /var/www/common/wikibase-repo/extensions/Wikibase/DataModel/DataModel/Entity/Property.php(175): DataValues\\\\DataValueFactory->newDataValue(\'wikibase-entity...\', \'\\"mp8kSfmPw5m2\\"\')\\n#3 /var/www/common/wikibase-repo/extensions/Wikibase/DataModel/DataModel/Snak/PropertyValueSnak.php(151): Wikibase\\\\Property->newDataValue(\'\\"mp8kSfmPw5m2\\"\')\\n#4 /var/www/common/wikibase-repo/extensions/Wikibase/DataModel/DataModel/Snak/SnakFactory.php(53): Wikibase\\\\PropertyValueSnak::newFromPropertyValue(Object(Wikibase\\\\EntityId), \'\\"mp8kSfmPw5m2\\"\')\\n#5 /var/www/common/wikibase-repo/extensions/Wikibase/repo/includes/api/SetQualifier.php(262): Wikibase\\\\SnakFactory->newSnak(Object(Wikibase\\\\EntityId), \'value\', \'\\"mp8kSfmPw5m2\\"\')\\n#6 /var/www/common/wikibase-repo/extensions/Wikibase/repo/includes/api/SetQualifier.php(181): Wikibase\\\\Api\\\\SetQualifier->addQualifier(Object(Wikibase\\\\SnakList))\\n#7 /var/www/common/wikibase-repo/extensions/Wikibase/repo/includes/api/SetQualifier.php(162): Wikibase\\\\Api\\\\SetQualifier->updateQualifiers(Object(Wikibase\\\\SnakList))\\n#8 /var/www/common/wikibase-repo/extensions/Wikibase/repo/includes/api/SetQualifier.php(71): Wikibase\\\\Api\\\\SetQualifier->doSetQualifier(Object(Wikibase\\\\Item))\\n#9 /var/www/common/wikibase-repo/includes/api/ApiMain.php(840): Wikibase\\\\Api\\\\SetQualifier->execute()\\n#10 /var/www/common/wikibase-repo/includes/api/ApiMain.php(380): ApiMain->executeAction()\\n#11 /var/www/common/wikibase-repo/includes/api/ApiMain.php(351): ApiMain->executeActionWithErrorHandling()\\n#12 /var/www/common/wikibase-repo/api.php(73): ApiMain->execute()\\n#13 {main}\\n\\n"}}'
Comment 1 Aude 2013-05-27 16:01:44 UTC
so, property does take a prefixed id per

I did something else wrong, gave it the wrong thing

array (
  'action' => 'wbsetqualifier',
  'claim' => 'q2$4554c0f4-47b2-1cd9-2db9-aa270064c9f3',
  'property' => 'p2',
  'value' => '"mp8kSfmPw5m2"',
  'snaktype' => 'value',

p2 being a wikibase-item property, though I thought it was a string property on my test wiki.
Comment 2 Aude 2013-05-28 10:55:53 UTC
After further investigation, the reason that I encountered this is because the data value handling in the addQualifier method of SetQualifier did not json decode my input.  This is one issue.

Related to this, I think the api is also doing insufficient validation and error handling of the data values.  The api user should *not* see an exception in the api error output.  Any exceptions due to invalid value input should be caught and translated into a proper api error message and code.
Comment 3 Gerrit Notification Bot 2013-05-28 13:10:23 UTC
Related URL: (Gerrit Change I6c5f02aec5d87b413f896412d1b8f26dcbb3e895)
Comment 4 Gerrit Notification Bot 2013-05-29 13:17:22 UTC (Gerrit Change I6c5f02aec5d87b413f896412d1b8f26dcbb3e895) | change APPROVED and MERGED [by Jeroen De Dauw]
Comment 5 abraham.taherivand 2013-06-07 09:56:41 UTC
Verified in Wikidata demo sprint 22-6

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