Last modified: 2014-11-07 11:29:19 UTC
Changes on Wikidata should update the notification timestamp, which is used (among other things) to highlight unseen changes on the watchlist.
This seems to work, at least in my last tests the notification timestamp was updated correctly. I'm not sure why it didn't work when I reported this bug, but unless I or somebody else can reproduce this, I'll close this bug soon.
It happened again: I'm really sure, that I did not visit [[de:Vorlage:Personendaten]], but yet after the change to the linked Wikidata item the notification timestamp is unset: api.php?action=query&list=watchlist&wlallrev=&wllimit=500&wlprop=ids%7Ctitle%7Cflags%7Cuser%7Cuserid%7Ccomment%7Cparsedcomment%7Ctimestamp%7Csizes%7Cnotificationtimestamp%7Cloginfo&format=json contains {"pageid":393916,"revid":114411687,"old_revid":114411687,"ns":10,"title":"Vorlage:Personendaten","userid":"0","user":"Jarash","anon":"","minor":"","timestamp":"2013-05-16T08:21:58Z","oldlen":965,"newlen":965,"notificationtimestamp":"","comment":"","parsedcomment":""}