Last modified: 2006-01-20 17:31:29 UTC
Hallo! Please take a look at [[sl:special:Allmessages]]. Search for "Wikiped" in the localized messages. You will find the following forms: Wikipedija Wikipedije Wikipediji Wikipedijina Wikipedijini Wikipedijinih Wikipedijo *consequence* One form for {{SITENAME}} migth be sufficient in some languages. However there are languages requiring different forms depending on grammatical cases and in addition different forms depending if the definite articles are appended or not (Icelandic, Slovenian, Romanian etc.) *implementation* a) One could use either concatenated forms (as {{SITENAMEGEN}}) or "-" variants (as {{SITENAME-DAT}}). MediaWiki is using already a "~GEN" variable ({{CURRENTMONTHNAMEGEN}}) for all language. b) [[en:List of grammatical cases]] provides a list of grammatical cases but no abbreviations. c) It does not make sense to define these form in all languages. *to Klemen* Please provide more details (comment or link) about the specific requests for the Slovenian language. Thanks in advance. best regards reinhardt [[user:gangleri]]
P.S. Assuming that all project names would have the same gender a temporary workaround for the Slovenian MediaWiki interface could be to use [[word stem]]s in configurations as SITENAME => "Wikipedij" etc. and append the additinal derivations / suffixes / endings inside the messages. However for languages as Icelandic having sound changes in declension (a -> ö etc.) this solution is not practical.
Marking as INVALID. This functionality is already available: Please search for # Invoked with {{GRAMMAR:case|word}} at Thanks Niklas for the hint! best regards reinhardt [[user:gangleri]]