Last modified: 2013-03-08 16:44:13 UTC
Copying from ---- Can we get the "owner" instead of the "last reviewer" in the text below, when a change is merged? ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: jenkins-bot (Code Review) <gerrit <at>> (...) jenkins-bot has submitted this change and it was merged. (...) Gerrit-Owner: SomeoneDifferentFromJenkinsBot <mail <at>> ----
For the context, the text comes from the email notifications sent by Gerrit Mail-from: is the account that triggered the mail notification. Gerrit-Owner is the person in charge of the Gerrit change, which is who ever has committed the first patchset. Gerrit-Reviewer are the accounts that looked at the change. So if you want the "owner", look for the 'Gerrit-Owner:' field =)
Isn't the owner who submited the change? Why would we say that it was submited by jenkins-bot?
As far as I can see, jenkins-bot is just a code reviewer, not someone who submits code changes...
The Jenkins bot does submit patches :-] On mediawiki/core whenever someone send a comment with CR+2, that triggers a testing job in Jenkins that will ultimately submit the code.