Last modified: 2011-03-12 13:19:37 UTC
Could some one please add the namespaces called "Portaal:" (Portal:) and "Overleg portaal:" (Portal talk:) to the Dutch Wikipedia (
Enabled on live site. 173 conflicts found for 'Portaal', all of them have been automaticly fixed.
The talk pages still aren't fixed. namespace 101 is still empty.
This is a similar situation as with Bug 1969: please create a Cookbook namespace at En wikibooks and Bug 4541: Move all "Talk:Cookbook:foo" pages to "Cookbook_talk:foo" at En wikibooks Gerben please resolve this bug back to resolution FIXED and open another bug. best regards reinhardt [[user:gangleri]]
test url for bug 4369: url for the new bug:
The talk namespace exists, but it's not "Overleg:Portal" so those pages aren't in it. Just go rename the pages, and they'll be fine. They'll be listed ate the url in the above comment.
Closing old verified bugs.