Last modified: 2010-05-15 14:35:48 UTC
Hallo! Please compare the MediaWiki default message and the local wiki modification [[en:mediawiki:allmessagesnotsupportedUI]] at [[en:Special:Allmessages]]. [[en:Special:AllMessages]] generates "Error" and "No such special page" (i.e. [[en:mediawiki:Nosuchspecialpage]]). Please note that special pages are case sensitiv. Only the first character is not case sensitive depending on $wgCapitalLinks. *request 1* (as only one message has been identified) Please fix this reference using "m" and not "M" in all files. *request 2* (request for the "general pattern") Please "scan" all LanguageXx.php files for references to non existing special page. Please verify if the first letter is capital of the special page is capital. ( bug 2874: Special namespace case sensitive when $wgCapitalLinks=false; ) Thanks for this time consuming work in advance! best regards reinhardt [[user:gangleri]]
[[MediaWiki:Newuserloglog]] refers to [[Special:Block]]. It seams that this is now [[Special:Blockip]].
Fixed the first bit in SVN HEAD. Newuserlog was corrected long ago. Marking as fixed.