Last modified: 2010-07-04 17:19:37 UTC
It is not always true that a geographical longitude within range between -180 to 180, especially for those planets other than the Sun, the Earth and the Moon. Try this wiki code on Wikipedia: {{coor d|18|N|226|E|globe:Mars}} It generates an error message ''Error:Out of range'' But a longitude of 226 degrees east is LEGAL for planet Mars. See specific section in [[Timekeeping on Mars]] for details.
Please see: The coordinate is indeed incorrect when referencing a point on a sphere. You should use 46 west unless Mars is not a sphere. [[Timekeeping on Mars]] doesnt describe coordinates use on Mars.
Geographical longitude for Mars is not 180 degrees west to 180 degrees east, {{coor d|18|N|226|E|globe:Mars}} is a legal location on Mars, and it should work. This is from [[Timekeeping on Mars]] ( <pre> Note that the modern standard for measuring longitude on Mars is "planetocentric longitude", which is measured from 0°–360° East and measures angles from the center of Mars. The older "planetographic longitude" was measured from 0°–360° West and used coordinates mapped onto the surface. </pre> You can also check the description in JPL Horizons document, which uses planetographic longitude rather than planetocentric longitude, and gives much more longitude ranges used for different planets and moons, at [url][/url]
There isn't a GIS extension in use currently on Wikimedia sites; issue refers to a local template on Wikipedia. Is this a current issue?
Local template error. Also, on En-WP, {{coor d is deprecated. Use {{coord