Last modified: 2014-02-12 23:38:17 UTC
Uncaught ReferenceError: google is not defined (anonymous function) setup jquery.googlemap.js:394 $.fn.googlemaps jquery.googlemap.js:767 $.fn.googlemapsinput jquery.googlemapsinput.js:62 (anonymous function) jQuery.extend.each load.php:611 jQuery.fn.jQuery.each load.php:241 (anonymous function) fire load.php:974 self.add load.php:1020 jQuery.fn.jQuery.ready load.php:246 (anonymous function) (anonymous function)
Confirmed. I looked at this yesterday and am completely mystified why it is not working. The part that's not working is the script tag getting added to the output. It is getting added to the Output object but then does not end up in the page. Perhaps due to use of $wgOut. Can't get rid of global use though, since Semantic Forms is not passing any relevant context info.