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Bug 4144 - Update for LanguageSu.php
Update for LanguageSu.php
Product: MediaWiki
Classification: Unclassified
Internationalization (Other open bugs)
All All
: High major (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Nobody - You can work on this!
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Reported: 2005-12-02 07:18 UTC by kandar
Modified: 2011-10-12 01:16 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Assignee Huggle Beta Tester: ---

Sundanese Language.php file (114.79 KB, text/plain)
2005-12-13 10:58 UTC, kandar

Description kandar 2005-12-02 07:18:13 UTC
# dates
'sunday' => 'Minggu',
'monday' => 'Senén',
'tuesday' => 'Salasa',
'wednesday' => 'Rebo',
'thursday' => 'Kemis',
'friday' => 'Jumaah',
'saturday' => 'Saptu',
'january' => 'Januari',
'february' => 'Pébruari',
'march' => 'Maret',
'april' => 'April',
'may_long' => 'Méi',
'june' => 'Juni',
'july' => 'Juli',
'august' => 'Agustus',
'september' => 'Séptémber',
'october' => 'Oktober',
'november' => 'Nopémber',
'december' => 'Désémber',
'jan' => 'Jan',
'feb' => 'Péb',
'mar' => 'Mar',
'apr' => 'Apr',
'may' => 'Méi',
'jun' => 'Jun',
'jul' => 'Jul',
'aug' => 'Ags',
'sep' => 'Sép',
'oct' => 'Okt',
'nov' => 'Nop',
'dec' => 'Dés',
Comment 1 Rob Church 2005-12-02 07:32:50 UTC
Please see for information
on generating a patch, although some kind soul might do that for you.
Comment 2 Rob Church 2005-12-02 13:48:41 UTC
Interestingly, 1.5.2 doesn't ship with a LanguageSu.php file, at least, not as
far as I can determine from CVS. What language *is* that?
Comment 3 kandar 2005-12-02 14:25:18 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)
Ups... SU represent the Sundanese language. Wikipedia in Sundanese
( initialized last year without the languageSu.php file. I
translate the system messages directly from the site (see How about that?
Comment 4 Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason 2005-12-03 04:52:17 UTC
MediaWiki doesn't currently have a LangaugeSu.php file, please attach one that
works in HEAD to the bug.
Comment 5 Antoine "hashar" Musso (WMF) 2005-12-03 23:18:03 UTC
you also need to provide translations for namespaces )
Comment 6 Rob Church 2005-12-07 02:22:15 UTC
Combined the stuff above with the PHP view of that wiki's Special:Allmessages,
and we have the makings of a LanguageSu.php file right there. As Ashar says,
we'd ideally want namespace translations too...
Comment 7 kandar 2005-12-07 03:12:21 UTC
(In reply to comment #6)
In the "PHP view" on page Special:Allmessages, we can find the translations (at
least some of it). Or is it something else?
Comment 8 Rob Church 2005-12-07 07:33:57 UTC
Namespace names are those like (for Wikipedia), the main namespace (isn't named,
really), the project namespace, "Wikipedia", e.g. Wikipedia:Introduction; the
Special namespace, e.g. Special:Allmessages and the Talk namespace, e.g. Talk:Foo.

We'd want to include translations of these in the LanguageSu.php file as well,
if possible. However, we do have an excellent start here, which we can start to
put together, and improvements can be added later.
Comment 9 kandar 2005-12-07 09:42:21 UTC
Here they are...
Then, how should I do for the next improvement(s)?

/* private */ $wgNamespaceNamesEn = array(
	NS_MEDIA            => 'Média',
	NS_SPECIAL          => 'Husus',
	NS_MAIN	            => '',
	NS_TALK	            => 'Obrolan',
	NS_USER             => 'Pamaké',
	NS_USER_TALK        => 'Obrolan_pamaké',
	NS_PROJECT          => $wgMetaNamespace,
	NS_PROJECT_TALK     => $wgMetaNamespace . 'Obrolan_',
	NS_IMAGE            => 'Gambar',
	NS_IMAGE_TALK       => 'Obrolan_gambar',
	NS_MEDIAWIKI        => 'MediaWiki',
	NS_MEDIAWIKI_TALK   => 'Obrolan_MediaWiki',
	NS_TEMPLATE         => 'Citakan',
	NS_TEMPLATE_TALK    => 'Obrolan_citakan',
	NS_HELP             => 'Pitulung',
	NS_HELP_TALK        => 'Obrolan_pitulung',
	NS_CATEGORY         => 'Kategori',
	NS_CATEGORY_TALK    => 'Obrolan_kategori',
Comment 10 Rob Church 2005-12-07 14:29:13 UTC
Begin to put together a LanguageSu.php file, in the arrangement used by the
other full translated language files, e.g. LanguageDe.php.
Comment 11 kandar 2005-12-13 10:58:24 UTC
Created attachment 1180 [details]
Sundanese Language.php file

this is the original file where I translate mediawiki interface for Sundanese
Comment 12 Borgx 2005-12-29 09:09:27 UTC
I want to help Kandar. Do we still need to provide to -u patch file? I think
patch is not relevant since there no such a file (LanguageSU.php) in current mw
Comment 13 Rob Church 2005-12-29 16:51:10 UTC
(In reply to comment #12)
> I want to help Kandar. Do we still need to provide to -u patch file? I think
> patch is not relevant since there no such a file (LanguageSU.php) in current mw
> installation.

If the file doesn't exist, a patch isn't needed. We'll just have the file as it is.
Comment 14 Antoine "hashar" Musso (WMF) 2006-01-08 20:34:59 UTC
I have commited a basic file to support Sudanese language.
The above patches are based on a wrong file (Language.php?).

I have also copied data from to implement
some basic translations.

Please post future update using the guide on meta:
Comment 15 Borgx 2006-01-09 10:03:39 UTC
su.wikipedia interface is a mess now. Please fix. 
Comment 16 Borgx 2006-01-09 14:54:51 UTC
Change Priority=High, Severity=Major, since applied patch language had destroy
the su.wikipedia main page interface. The main page now is full with "Warning:
Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
/usr/local/apache/common-local/php-1.5/languages/Language.php on line 2307" messages
Comment 17 Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason 2006-01-09 16:43:37 UTC
(In reply to comment #14)
> I have also copied data from to implement
> some basic translations.

We had some javascript code in CVS (msg:'lastmodified'; discovered by
Nikerabbit) that allows the site in question to get access to the users session
on both all sundanese wikimedia projects and any MediaWiki wiki using a
sundanese interface.

None of the namespaces worked either (fixed by Nikerabbit also)

*Please* do a sanity check on these things before you submit them as they're
quite often full of garbage;)
Comment 18 kandar 2006-01-10 10:53:21 UTC
I'm sorry for the statcounter case, I don't know that It was violate the privacy
policy of the Wikimedia projects. It was deleted, and Brion have revoke my sysop
status in Sundanese Wikipedia, temporarily (I hope).

So, I've seen the result. The default interface are now in Sundanese, most of
it, but I found something "funny". In the other projects (Wiktionary, Wikibooks,
etc.), the default are in Sundanese, but then most of the messages are
"translated" into English. It means that I have to change all of those messages
back into default, and it means many work.

Is there any method(s) to automatically delete this "English" translation?
Comment 19 Niklas Laxström 2006-03-26 22:06:02 UTC
Non-translated messages are not included anymore in the PHP output of
allmessages, which however is not the preferred way to do general patches for

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