Last modified: 2011-04-14 15:12:45 UTC
I used MW 1.5 beta 3, upgraded to 1.52 and later to 1.6devel, got still a problem with dumphtml. One problem to be solved was the case if wiki is secured by password, i got a workaround from Tim Starling for this, which get me some lines further. new entry in function setupGlobals $wgGroupPermissions; in advance of $this->setupDone = true; the following line $wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = true; Before i had to change localsettings.php, but got the same at the end: maintenance>php dumphtml.php Creating static HTML dump in directory static. Starting from page_id 1 of 1929. Using database localhost Writing MediaWiki~Common.css Writing MediaWiki~Standard.css After a while there is an error in php.exe: Die Anweisung in "0x100ab2cb" verweist auf Speicher in "0x0240f000" Der Vorgang "read" konnte nicht auf dem Speicher durchgeführt werden. contains following.. 'REPORTING_INTERVAL', 500 # Destination directory var $dest; # Show interlanguage links? var $interwiki = true; # Depth of HTML directory tree var $depth = 3; # Directory that commons images are copied into var $sharedStaticPath; # Relative path to image directory var $imageRel = 'upload'; # Copy commons images instead of symlinking var $forceCopy = false; # Make links assuming the script path is in the same directory as # the destination var $alternateScriptPath = false; # Original values of various globals var $oldArticlePath = false, $oldCopyrightIcon = false; # Has setupGlobals been called? var $setupDone = false; # List of raw pages used in the current article var $rawPages; Error only seems to appear if $setupDone = false, but with set to true it doesnt write MediaWiki~Common.css and MediaWiki~Standard.css. The next problem seems to be that category tables aren't found because the table prefix is not used and the table isn't found because of that. There is no index.html in /static. The pages which were created only link to Namespace:Article, but not to http://xxx/Namespace:Article. Any help available?
One problem i forgot: the pages in html which were created are in UTF-8, but browser show them in ISO-8859-1, so the umlautz are incorrect.
Additional information: I use PHP: 5.0.4 (apache2handler), MySQL: 4.1.12-nt. translation of error message in php.exe in english: The instruction in "0x100ab2cb" refers to memory in "0x0240f000". The "read" process could not be done in memory. Tim Starling suggested to try another version of php, like 4.4.1, to use a debugger or linux instead. But it still remains a bug. :-/
The bug appears on Windows 2000 and Windows XP too, just checked it.
In the meantime I upgraded to MW 1.5.8 on PHP: 5.1.1, MySQL: 5.0.18-nt, Apache: 2.2.0 If I write $wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] = true; into Localsettings everything seems to work fine. But if I dont do so, I get these errors, even with the modification of suggested by Tim Starling, which I stated at start here: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output star ted at \maintenance\dumpHTML.php:66) in \includes\OutputPage.php on line 355 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output star ted at \maintenance\dumpHTML.php:66) in \includes\OutputPage.php on line 359 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output star ted at \maintenance\dumpHTML.php:66) in \includes\OutputPage.php on line 387 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output star ted at \maintenance\dumpHTML.php:66) in \includes\OutputPage.php on line 388 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output star ted at \maintenance\dumpHTML.php:66) in \includes\OutputPage.php on line 390 Any help available?
Does this problem still occur?
Yes, still there. The move from core into an extension did not change it. Used Windows XP Pro, MediaWiki 1.13.4, PHP 5.2.8 (apache2handler), MySQL 5.1.30-community. Error message: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at \extensions\DumpHTML\ in \includes\WebResponse.php on line 10