Last modified: 2010-05-15 15:38:29 UTC
I am using a "fresh" MySQL 5.0. I am stuck during installation. Please help me if you can. Checking environment... * PHP 5.0.5: ok * PHP server API is apache2handler; ok, using pretty URLs (index.php/Page_Title) * Have XML / Latin1-UTF-8 conversion support. * PHP is configured with no memory_limit. * Have zlib support; enabling output compression. * Neither Turck MMCache nor eAccelerator are installed, can't use object caching functions * GNU diff3 not found. * Couldn't find GD library or ImageMagick; image thumbnailing disabled. * Installation directory: C:\NetServ\Root\wiki * Script URI path: /wiki * Warning: $wgSecretKey key is insecure, generated with mt_rand(). Consider changing it manually. * Trying to connect to MySQL on localhost as root... o Connected as root (automatic) * Connected to 5.0.15-nt; enabling MySQL 4 enhancements * Warning: $wgSecretKey key is insecure, generated with mt_rand(). Consider changing it manually. * Created database wikidb * Creating tables...Query "CREATE TABLE PP_user ( user_id int(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, user_name varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', user_real_name varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', user_password tinyblob NOT NULL default '', user_newpassword tinyblob NOT NULL default '', user_email tinytext NOT NULL default '', user_options blob NOT NULL default '', user_touched char(14) binary NOT NULL default '', user_token char(32) binary NOT NULL default '', user_email_authenticated CHAR(14) BINARY, user_email_token CHAR(32) BINARY, user_email_token_expires CHAR(14) BINARY, PRIMARY KEY user_id (user_id), UNIQUE INDEX user_name (user_name), INDEX (user_email_token) ) TYPE=InnoDB" failed with error code "The 'InnoDB' feature is disabled; you need MySQL built with 'InnoDB' to have it working".
Fix your MySQL installation, it's broken.
Take the opportunity to upgrade to version 1.5.2 as well.
I have finally solved the problem. Thanks for your help! When I was still trying version 1.5.0, it reports VARIOUS error messages when I tried many different settings in MySQL 5.0. But when I switched to version 1.5.2, it works.