Last modified: 2005-11-23 20:17:38 UTC
Seems new in head branch, 1.5 looks ok. Seems to be missing the minor edit field from the rc join... A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was: SELECT /* wfSpecialRecentchangeslinked */ rc_cur_id page_id, rc_namespace page_namespace, rc_title page_title, rc_user rev_user, rc_comment rev_comment, rc_user_text rev_user_text, rc_this_oldid, rc_timestamp rev_timestamp, rc_minor rev_minor_edit, rc_new page_is_new FROM `pagelinks`, `recentchanges` WHERE rc_timestamp > '20051116200532' AND rev_minor_edit=0 AND pl_namespace=rc_namespace AND pl_title=rc_title AND pl_from=7253 GROUP BY page_id,page_namespace,page_title, rev_user,rev_comment,rev_user_text,rev_timestamp,rev_minor_edit, page_is_new ORDER BY rev_timestamp DESC LIMIT 50 from within function "wfSpecialRecentchangeslinked". MySQL returned error "1054: Unknown column 'rev_minor_edit' in 'where clause' (localhost)".
Can't use the aliased column name in a where clause; changed it to use the name in the rc table and it works now.