Last modified: 2011-03-13 18:06:01 UTC
Dear friends, From bug 3946: page_random is 0 for many pages, excluding them from "random page" requests I could see that it is possible to suppress displaying pages in [[special:Random]] and its variants as [[commons:special:Random/Image]], [[commons:special:Random/Category]], [[meta:special:Random/Help]]. It would be a good oportunity to be able to control if a page is shown with special:Random or not. It would be a community decision to use this feature or not. At you see pages with *invalid titles* which should be deleted at some point in time but which still are available until bug 3819: strip phantom general punctuation characters from page titles bug 3887: create a special page for instring search of titles specifying %nn values are fixed and bots are able to identify pages and characters mentioned in bug 3887. Another benefit would be that contributors could start articles (as in [[news:]] etc.) using __NORANDOM__ in the first draft and delete __NORANDOM__ from the final article. regards reinhardt [[user:gangleri]]
I'll vote for this feature, but I think wiki communities should use it very conservatively. Generally speaking, it shouldn't be used to mark articles as unworthy. [[User:Melchoir]]
Votes on this BugZilla tend to be ignored. I use mine as a sort of watchlist, and I know most of our developers don't bother to look at them.
I think this would be a very good feature. For example it would make [[n:Portal:Australia/2006/January/11]] stop showing up when you goto [[n:special:Random/portal]]. Another intreasting thing would to be able to maake subpages not appear in special:random