Last modified: 2010-05-15 15:37:46 UTC
I am tryng to upgrade our 1.4.0 installation, which uses iso8859-1 to 1.5.2. I ran maintenance/upgrade1_5.php and, apparently, all went fine (I have its output, if it will help). The end result however is that chars like çáàé all were replaced by ','. Did I miss any step?
To make things worse: content on pages accessed through links that had iso8859-1 chars on it just disappeared. Labels for URLs show with those ',', but the URL has been encoded like .../Migra%E7%E3o_para_vers%E3o_1.5 (wich should read "Migração_para_versão 1.5"). Clicking on the new URL leads to an empty page (with "(There is currently no text in this page)" message); clicking on the new URL .../Migra%C3%A7%C3%A3o_para_vers%C3%A3o_1.5&action=edit leads to an empty page with action=edit. All iso8859-1 encoded URLs are listed as dead-end pages. Until I figure out where this content is going, I am stuck with 1.4.0... (we got lots of content that we cannot afford to miss). Any help will be much appreciated. TIA Andre
I advise reading the mediawiki-l mailing list archives from late Summer 2005 through to the end of that year, and if no solutions match, taking the issue there yourself.