Last modified: 2010-05-15 15:33:16 UTC
I am unable to block users, I enter details, click block user and nothing happens, I check special pages/ list blocked users and the page is blank
1) Upgrade to 1.4.11. 2) Please include details of what "nothing happens" etc means. Without a description of your problem we can't help you.
To be more precise, I click block user and the page remains unchanged, the IP remains unblocked, in other words -nothing happens-
Does the form fail to submit? Does your computer freeze? Can you still move the mouse? Can you list an example of what you're trying to block? An IP? A username? If an IP, what IP? If a username, what username? If a username, have you enabled the option to block users? (See DefaultSettings.php for all available configuration options). Did you upgrade as requested?