Last modified: 2013-10-16 14:15:10 UTC
On "User contributions" pages, each line does not include the date of the most recent later edit. Editors may periodically use their "User contributions" page to see if others have subsequently edited the same articles. Without actually going to the article itself, they can't determine whether that has occurred since they last checked. This step could be eliminated by adding the date of the last subsequent edit to each line of the "User contributions" page. I propose that this change be made.
This is what watchlists are for.
Not for anons.
Anyway, such a thing would be super-expensive to do with the current database schema, marking this as RESOLVED LATER.
Reopening with lowest priority. Has the schema changed much in the last seven years? Or maybe this should just be wontfixed? As pointed out, that's what watchlists are for, and one can easily register.
Marking as WONTFIX, then. Contribution lists include information whether the edit is the last on the page (bolded "(current)"), which should be enough for "casual" browsing. If you need more functionality, use the watchlist.