Last modified: 2012-12-24 21:52:05 UTC
After having enabled "enhanced editing toolbar" in Preferences > Editing, this toolbar has a menu for Special characters and a submenu for Cyrillic letters. It contains all letters of the current Russian alphabet, plus some more, such as the soft-dotted i, used in Ukrainian. For proofreading old (pre-1917) Russian books in the Russian Wikisource, it would be most useful to also have Yat among these characters. Unicode points for majuscule: U+0462, minuscule: U+0463 This request is similar to bug 24912, which requested another character.
Please also add "Izhitsa" (И́жица: Ѵ ѵ) with code points majuscule: U+0474, minuscule: U+0475
Moving to extension WikiEditor
Gerrit change #40088 merged
merged this time.