Last modified: 2011-11-08 17:34:24 UTC
I would like to add these 4 seperate lines to my footer: This page was last modified on {the date} at {the time}. Text is available under the {CC-BY}; additional terms may apply. See {some other link} for details. {my wiki is ran by blah blah blah} Contact us Privacy policy About {our site} Disclaimers However, the new footer settings do not allow you to be able to change it. Adding the code on [[Manual:Footer]] will leave you with <termsofservice> in the footer. Is there a way to customize the footer to the above and can the current way be reverted in the next release?
"From there you can put "Terms of Service" in MediaWiki:Termsofservice for the link's text and in MediaWiki:Termsofservicepage define the title of the page that you want the Terms of Service link to point to." Did you do that part? It works for me...
The stuff on [[mw:Manual:Footer]] is obviously an example of how to do it, adapt the technique to whatever you need out of it. Vector gives each group a separate list, if you want multiple lines you can add new groups to the first level of the array. And instead of using $sk->footerLink if you want something other than a link you can just use a string of html. $set->data['footerlinks'] = array( );
The stuff on [[mw:Manual:Footer]] is obviously an example of how to do it, adapt the technique to whatever you need out of it. Vector gives each group a separate list, if you want multiple lines you can add new groups to the first level of the array. And instead of using $sk->footerLink if you want something other than a link you can just use a string of html. $tpl->set( 'runby', 'That text about who the wiki is run by.' ); $tpl->set( 'contactus', $sk->footerLink( 'contactus', 'contactuspage' ) ); $tpl->data['footerlinks'] = array( 'lastmod' => array( 'lastmod' ), 'copyright' => array( 'copyright' ), 'runby' => array( 'runby' ), 'places' => array( 'contactus' ) + $tpl->data['footerlinks']['places'], );