Last modified: 2006-02-23 19:20:24 UTC
i successfully embedded mediawiki into mambo and gallery2. The only thing i had to do is (from mediawikis point of view) A) to add a define to all require_once in the the code B) to change the redirect to the modified index.php c) add the line $wgOut->mArticleBodyOnly = true; before $wgOut->output(); and it really rocks. A big compliment to all the coders. Now my wish: please add a define("_BASE_", ""); in LocalSettings.php and put this define before every require_once("./include...) -> require_once(_BASE_./include...) this didn't cause any sideeffects at all, but it will allow using another index.php on another location or to include the whole stuff as api. Andres Obrero
Regarding to c), would modifying include path suffice? I have the following in my localsettings: ini_set( "include_path", ".:$IP:$IP/includes:$IP/languages:/services/www/mediawikicommon" );