Last modified: 2010-05-15 15:32:55 UTC

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Bug 3103 - colons in image markup being parsed as external links
colons in image markup being parsed as external links
Product: MediaWiki
Classification: Unclassified
General/Unknown (Other open bugs)
PC Windows XP
: Normal normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Nobody - You can work on this!
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Reported: 2005-08-10 17:36 UTC by BugMeNotLovesWiki
Modified: 2010-05-15 15:32 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Web browser: ---
Mobile Platform: ---
Assignee Huggle Beta Tester: ---


Description BugMeNotLovesWiki 2005-08-10 17:36:37 UTC
When I enter this in mediawiki (german):

I get this output:

<!-- start content -->
<div class="thumb tright"><div style="width<a href=":182px class='external'
rel="nofollow">:182px</a>;"><a href="/wiki/index.php/Bild<a href=":Test.JPG
class='external' rel="nofollow">:Test.JPG</a>" class="internal" title=""><img
src="/wiki/images/thumb/0/05/180px-Test.JPG" alt="" width="180" height="120"
longdesc="/wiki/index.php/Bild<a href=":Test.JPG class='external'
rel="nofollow">:Test.JPG</a>" /></a>  <div class="thumbcaption" ><div
class="magnify" style="float<a href=":right class='external'
rel="nofollow">:right</a>"><a href="/wiki/index.php/Bild<a href=":Test.JPG
class='external' rel="nofollow">:Test.JPG</a>" class="internal"
title="vergrößern"><img src="/wiki/skins/common/images/magnify-clip.png"
width="15" height="11" alt="vergrößern" /></a></div></div></div></div>

</p><div class="printfooter">
Von "<a
	    	    <!-- end content -->

Theese additional colons are destroying the layout
Comment 1 Rowan Collins [IMSoP] 2005-08-10 18:11:01 UTC
Weuh! Your wiki appears to be interpretting every occurrence of ":" as though it
were an external link - seemingly as though ":" were a valid 'protocol' prefix,
like "http://", "mailto:", etc. Thus "width:182px" becomes "width<a
href=":182px">:182px</a>" (with some extra floweryness), and so on wherever ":"
appears. (The mismatched "s may be your browser trying to make sense of the HTML
as it processes it)

Have you made any changes to the code, or made any "unusual" changes in
LocalSettings.php? Can you replicate this problem on any other wiki? What
happens if you just type "Bild:Test.JPG", or for that matter ":test"? (i.e. does
this happen only within the image markup, or to the wikitext generally?)
Comment 2 Rowan Collins [IMSoP] 2005-08-15 16:08:58 UTC
I'm going to resolve this bug (as "WORKSFORME") on the grounds that without
further details of the circumstances in which it occurs, there's really not much
we can do - and since you used a throwaway e-mail address, I'm not convinced
that such details are forthcoming. If you do actually come back and read these
replies, feel free to reopen the bug with more details, and my apologies if this
seems impatient of me.

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
