Last modified: 2013-06-07 15:39:47 UTC

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Bug 26290 - Double load spinner on preview after second time
Double load spinner on preview after second time
Status: NEW
Product: MediaWiki extensions
Classification: Unclassified
LiquidThreads (Other open bugs)
All All
: Lowest minor (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Nobody - You can work on this!
: javascript
: 25444 35524 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
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Reported: 2010-12-09 20:23 UTC by Krinkle
Modified: 2013-06-07 15:39 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Web browser: ---
Mobile Platform: ---
Assignee Huggle Beta Tester: ---


Description Krinkle 2010-12-09 20:23:38 UTC
I'm logged out and browsing around TranslateWIki.
Going to and clicking Reply on a reply, then typing some words, clicking preview, and then clicking preview again.

From this point on whenever I click preview again (all clicks, except the first one) cause two spin loaders to appear (two <div class="mw-ajax-loader"/> elements ). instead of one
Comment 1 Helder 2011-09-23 14:21:31 UTC
*** Bug 25444 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 2 Helder 2011-09-23 14:21:47 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> *** Bug 25444 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Copying here my comment from Bug 25444:
> If a user clicks in the reply button of a comment,
> it is shown the image ajax-loader.gif. This is ok.
> The problem is: sometimes nothing happens (probably
> because of slow internet connection) and then a user
> clicks the button again. In this case, the image is
> added two times. If the user clicks again and again,
> it will be added new copies of that image for each click.
> This should be avoided.
> Notice that if more than one image was shown, 
> when the script finishes loading the box for new
> comments, only the first image will be removed,
> causing the impression that there still have something to wait...
Comment 3 Helder 2012-07-29 03:35:51 UTC
Proposed gerrit change I37f195af to fix this.
Comment 4 Helder 2012-07-29 03:37:45 UTC
Currently the behavior is as follows:
1) Click on "Start a new discussion" in some talk page
2) Type something in the edit box
3) Click preview
* It will execute "liquidThreads.doLivePreview" and then "window.doLivePreview" (which adds the spinner until the preview is complete)
4) Click preview
* It will execute "window.doLivePreview" (which adds a spinner until the preview is complete), then "liquidThreads.doLivePreview", which calls "window.doLivePreview" again (adding the second spinner)

After gerrit change I37f195af it will be like this:
1) Click on "Start a new discussion" in some talk page
2) Type something in the edit box
3) Click preview
* It will execute "liquidThreads.doLivePreview" and then "window.doLivePreview" (which adds the spinner until the preview is complete)
4) Click preview
* It will execute only "window.doLivePreview"
Comment 5 Helder 2012-08-05 20:46:03 UTC
*** Bug 35524 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 db [inactive,noenotif] 2012-11-28 13:58:25 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> Proposed gerrit change I37f195af to fix this.

Status Merged, bug maybe resolved
Comment 7 Andre Klapper 2013-03-25 14:02:35 UTC
Helder: Is this bug report resolved by the aforementioned Gerrit merge?
Comment 8 Andre Klapper 2013-04-11 14:27:21 UTC
Helder: Is this bug report resolved by the aforementioned Gerrit merge?
Comment 9 Jesús Martínez Novo (Ciencia Al Poder) 2013-06-07 15:39:47 UTC
I can confirm that clicking multiple times the preview button before the preview finishes loading, still adds multiple spinners, and opening the network console one can see the browser still does multiple api POST requests. Multiple spinners are created (although only one is visible), but when the slowest request has finished loading all spinners are removed (each request removes it's own spinner)

Decreasing importance/priority since that doesn't overwrite the edit form nor leaves spinners around after finishing.

In fact, I don't know if this should be improved or not. Locking the buttons until the preview has finished loading can cause problems if the preview request fails (and LQT can't gracefully detect that situation to re-enable them again).

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
