Last modified: 2011-03-13 18:04:35 UTC
Special:Allpages uses LogPage as a cache. The new LogPage code does not provide this functionality.
I've removed the code that causes it to fail, but of course now it's not caching at all. That was always a hack and an ugly one, so I'm glad to see it gone. (People routinely came across that and other cached pages and tried to edit or delete it, or complained that the page was corrupted. Sigh...) The index list for Allpages should either be made much much faster, or its index points saved into the querycache table. Changed summary to reflect this.
It can be made much faster, assuming that the Apache users are able to create a temporary table - and they should, because it's likely to be a good optimisation in many situations. Select all appropriate titles from cur into temporary table with an indexed autoincrementing numeric field. You can now select records with values 1,50; 51,100 or whatever using that indexed numeric field. Very fast and takes just one pass through cur. Finessing required for final elements. Quite a few of the slow reports could probably use this temporary table - uncategorised pages is another which could, if cur_id was also present in the copy. Using this temporary table approach, allpages would be a fairly low load operation. Generating it once an hour seems like a useful approach. All of the slow jobs could set a flag somewhere to indicate the time it was last generated and update it only when required. The current code causes other queries to back up/ accumulate because it runs for so long each time it gets a pair of values. And it does that about 1,000 times for en for just the main index page.
1.4.0 released; kicking back to 1.5 blockers.
Removing from 1.5 blockers.
Special:Allpages code: As I understand it, the bug is simply the slow performance of the Allpages *index*. That is indeed slow, although subpages are pretty fast. The key code is on lines 142-159 as of revision 1.46. If 50 rows need to be displayed, it is making 49 queries. I'm marking this as depending on 764 because I'm assuming Jamesday's suggestion of temporary tables is overall the best way to do this. Has caching changed much since comment #2?
Will use object cache instead.