Last modified: 2012-11-23 13:20:48 UTC
Hi!! I was looking at r17461 and noticed that the function markNoConversion doesn't the same value found at wgUrlProtocols (which appears in the HTML source code of each wiki page) The current value of the variable is wgUrlProtocols="http\\:\\/\\/|https\\:\\/\\/|ftp\\:\\/\\/|irc\\:\\/\\/|gopher\\:\\/\\/|telnet\\:\\/\\/|nntp\\:\\/\\/|worldwind\\:\\/\\/|mailto\\:|news\\:|svn\\:\\/\\/", which include more than just http, ftp and irc... It seems that the function should use that variable too, both in LanguageKk.php, LanguageKu.php and in LanguageSr.php.
Unassigning default assignments.
Gerrit change #33873