Last modified: 2005-12-20 06:05:11 UTC
When I try to render something like: \begin{matrix} x & y \\ z & v \end{matrix} texvc returns something like: +b99890966e1b997497211428f8e3419d- however, there is no such file b99890966e1b997497211428f8e3419d.png in the output directory. It appears that all expressions that use \begin{} do not work. All other expressions appear to render fine. sample invocation: achin@localhost:~public_html$ ./texvc /tmp ./texvc_output/ "\\begin{matrix} \\frac{2}{4} \\end{matrix}" +fecac241ae56c2763754a23d0fa4e4b4- achin@localhost:~public_html$
i forgot to add that the version of texvc is from the 1.4.2 version of mediawiki.
This works for me in the current cvs version of texvc.