Last modified: 2010-05-15 15:33:41 UTC
In a category with a large number of entries (roughly 1000) the subcategories of the category only show up on the page that displays articles in the same alphabetization range as the subcategories. Thus in my case, I have only three subcategories, all beginning with the same prefix, "GftP", and they only appear on the second page of article listings. So it appears to the user as though there are no subcategories when they first load the category page. Since there is no necessary relationship between the subcategory names and the alphabetization of the articles, it would seem to make sense that the subcategories appear on all paged, irrespective of the article alphabetization -- or at least some reasonable number of them should. Ideally, one chould be able to page from listing to listing of subcategories idependently of articles.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1211 ***