Last modified: 2005-04-10 00:15:35 UTC
To reproduce this 'bug': - visit URL: - in search field enter: "foo" (including double-quotation marks ... BTW foo is actually a legitimate, existing article on wiki) - press enter Expected behaviour: - delivered to URL: Observed Behaviour: - Delivered to 'Search results - No page with that title exists' page: (Note that searching on: foo [i.e. without the double-quotation marks] gives the 'correct', expected behaviour) ---- Thoughts: - it seems that double-quoatation marks are being mishandled in search? - maybe a bug, maybe not a bug .... but failing to locate "foo" is not what I would consider 'expected benaviour' - good or bad google has defined what is search, and the syntax as well - suggest that google's method of handling of double-quotation marks be considered and adopted ... - unless it's possible that "foo" and foo might be different articles? I'm not familiar with the rules of nomenclature for wiki article names. (Thanks for wiki folks! - If needed I can be emailed at freeman_once att reazon dott dyndnz dott org ... use letter 'esss' instead of letter 'zeee')
I'd been intending to add this after some earlier search-related feedback but forgot to check it in yet. Fixed now in CVS HEAD and REL1_4 and live on Wikimedia sites. It is in fact possible for "foo" and Foo to be different pages. :) I've set it to try trimming the quotes on a double-quoted term if the first set of checks don't find a match. This seems to work reasonably well.