Last modified: 2005-04-02 20:52:26 UTC
I got a database error this while browsing normally. If it is a temporary thing, just close the bug. If it is not, I hope this will help you trace it: Warning: mysql_query(): Unable to save result set in /usr/local/apache/common-local/php-1.4/includes/Database.php on line 325 Error in numRows(): MySQL server has gone away Backtrace: * Database.php line 503 calls wfdebugdiebacktrace() * User.php line 494 calls databasemysql::numrows() * SkinTemplate.php line 254 calls user::getnewtalk() * OutputPage.php line 418 calls skinmonobook::outputpage() * OutputPage.php line 616 calls outputpage::output() * Database.php line 361 calls outputpage::databaseerror() * Database.php line 310 calls databasemysql::reportqueryerror() * Parser.php line 3008 calls databasemysql::query() * Parser.php line 195 calls parser::replacelinkholders() * OutputPage.php line 243 calls parser::parse() * Article.php line 795 calls outputpage::addprimarywikitext() * index.php line 130 calls article::view()
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1791 ***