Last modified: 2013-09-30 01:52:32 UTC
Currently, texvc renders <math>A-B</math> with a hyphen (" - ") instead of a minus sign (" − "). Use of the minus sign should be preferred for math display. The following diff will fix this by adding one line to the lexer: # cvs diff -u cvs diff: Diffing . Index: lexer.mll =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/wikipedia/phase3/math/lexer.mll,v retrieving revision 1.2 diff -u -r1.2 lexer.mll --- lexer.mll 19 May 2003 22:40:16 -0000 1.2 +++ lexer.mll 26 Feb 2005 00:20:35 -0000 @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ | literal_mn { let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in LITERAL (MHTMLABLEC (FONT_RM, str,str,MN,str)) } | literal_uf_lt { let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in LITERAL (HTMLABLEC (FONT_UFH, str,str)) } | delimiter_uf_lt { let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in DELIMITER (HTMLABLEC (FONT_UFH, str,str)) } + | "-" { LITERAL (HTMLABLE (FONT_UFH,"-"," − "))} | literal_uf_op { let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in LITERAL (MHTMLABLEC (FONT_UFH, str," "^str^" ",MO,str)) } | delimiter_uf_op { let str = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in DELIMITER (MHTMLABLEC (FONT_UFH, str," "^str^" ",MO,str)) } | "\\" alpha + { Texutil.find (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
Patch applied by Jens.
Cache still contains HTML generated with old texvc revision.
cleaned caches
Found while doing general math testing: This seems to render "-3" as " − 3" in HTML mode, which renders with an extra space.
Marking patch as reviewed per Brion's comment 4.