Last modified: 2008-07-03 10:16:45 UTC
Consider playing the Image:Friendly_Fire_Iraq.ogg video. The bar on the bottom covers some of the content of the video and in this case subtitles. The bar should be placed below all of the content of the video.
Confirmed with Cortado Java player; QuickTime is displaying correctly. As I recall from experimenting with this before, Cortado likes to stretch the video to the full applet size, stretching under the control bar if it's present. This may require fixing Cortado or using external controls.
It needs a fix to Cortado. I've known about the general issue for a while, as per my comment in OggPlayer.js: // Given extra vertical space, cortado centres the video and then overlays the status // line, leaving an ugly black bar at the top. So we don't give it any. var playerHeight = params.height < (statusHeight+1) ? (statusHeight+1) : params.height;
Fixed in r36976 + r36977, live now.