Last modified: 2010-05-15 15:59:35 UTC
I'm using a new server and migrating my previous Mediawiki ( on this server. It was common for me to import pages from the Special:Import page. But on the new installation, it doesn't work. I'm always getting the message: "L’import du fichier a échoué : il est possible que celui-ci dépasse la taille autorisée. Veuillez exporter le fichier depuis le wiki d’origine en utilisant l’outil Special:Export, le sauvegarder sur votre disque dur et le copier ici. " In english something like 'import fails; perhaps too big" when I try to import a really small file (23 Kb) that I'm able to import on my previous wiki. After walking in the documentation and checking a lot of things (LocalSettings.php file, rights on my wiki directories...) I'm hoping some help. - php.ini is correctly set with upload on and post and upload size set to 8M - all rights have been set to RWX for all the world (just for the purpose of test) (Note: the new server is not online while this problem is not solved)
Have you tried to call php maintenance/importDump.php < /path/to/your/dump/your_dump.xml from command line?
With the following command php maintenance/importDump.php < /home/tux/Barbules-20080219101508.xml I get the following answer ALERT - script tried to increase memory_limit to 4294967295 bytes which is above the allowed value (attacker 'REMOTE_ADDR not set', file '/opt/lampp/htdocs/barbules/maintenance/', line 217) PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function xml_parser_create() in /opt/lampp/htdocs/barbules/includes/SpecialImport.php on line 418 The Barbules-20080219101508.xml file has 2239 bytes.
I'm working with a Mandriva distribution of Linux The support for XML seems to be enabled I don't understand why I get the message PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function xml_parser_create() ... ============================================ My web server environment is a LAMPP distribution with PHP 5.2.5 PHPInfo gives me the following info related to XML dom DOM/XML enabled DOM/XML API Version 20031129 libxml Version 2.6.11 HTML Support enabled XPath Support enabled XPointer Support enabled Schema Support enabled RelaxNG Support enabled libxml libXML support active libXML Version 2.6.11 libXML streams enabled SimpleXML Simplexml support enabled Revision $Revision: $ Schema support enabled XML Support active XML Namespace Support active libxml2 Version 2.6.11 xmlreader XMLReader enabled xmlwriter XMLWriter enabled ====================================================== My command line envrionment seems to use a diffrent installation of PHP PHP version 5.2.4 with the following information extracted from the command line php -i phpinfo() PHP Version => 5.2.4 ... /etc/php.d/49_simplexml.ini, ... /etc/php.d/63_xmlreader.ini, ... /etc/php.d/64_xmlwriter.ini, ... dom DOM/XML => enabled DOM/XML API Version => 20031129 libxml Version => 2.6.29 ... libxml libXML support => active libXML Version => 2.6.29 libXML streams => enabled ... SimpleXML Simplexml support => enabled Revision => $Revision: $ ... xmlreader XMLReader => enabled xmlwriter XMLWriter => enabled ...
My server is working with XAMPP I don't know how to get php working in command line from the XAMPP install. So, I have worked with a separate install of PHP After somme problem to hava xml and mysql working with that PHP install, I know have the command line php maintenance/importDump.php < /path/to/your/dump/my_dump.xml working (near from). I need to call the maintenance/rebuildtextindex.php to be able to search for the imported pages. These pages doesn't appears in the 'recent changes' page. (I have tried the maintenance/rebuildrecentchanges.php command, without success) BUT THE IMPORT FROM THE WEB INTERFACE ALWAYS FAILS WITH THE SAME MESSAGE and I can't easily access the the importDump command line each time I have a new page to load. Has you can see I'm fighting with this problem from the 19/2 and I'm hoping some help. Thank you in advance
It sounds like you've got a basic problem with file uploads; confirm that you can upload files (for instance image files) for other purposes.
Thank you for the advice It was a problem of owner of the uploaddir of my system For others who can I have the same problem: the uploaddir is defined in the php.ini by the line upload_tmp_dir = /my/path/to/uploaddir and must be writable by the 'user' which represents the server.