Last modified: 2008-02-08 16:42:51 UTC
Normally a template inside the template is substituted to literal string, i.e. no semantic change on outer template's argument list. But following two pages, each in ko.wp and en.wp, are rendered differently (ko.wp's one seems to be wrong.) [[ko:사용자:토끼군/bug/20080209]] [[en:User:Tokigun/bug/20080209]] I think that inner template's <span class="flagicon"> may interspersed with outer template's argument list, thus making name of lang's second argument "<span class", but I'm not sure. Last tested at 2008-02-08 16:20 UTC; Note that en.wp and ko.wp uses same version of MediaWiki (1.12-svn r30649) and MySQL (4.0.29), as seen in Special:Version, but only differs in PHP version (ko.wp uses 5.1.4, but en.wp uses 5.2.1).
en.wp uses the new preprocessor parser already. ko.wp not. See [[meta:Migration to the new preprocessor]] for differences.
Oh, I have not expected such change. Thank you for the notice.