Last modified: 2011-03-13 18:04:44 UTC
If the last edit to an article was made by me, and if that edit had an empty edit summary, allow a null edit of that revision to put in the edit summary included with it. Rationale: empty edit summaries are bad. It should be easy to correct my mistake if I forget one. Alternative: allow replacing the summary even if it was not empty. Possible drawback: malicious and untraceable changing of the summary to troll with.
As with the other "edit your eit summary" bugs, this is probably a WONTFIX. (MediaWiki developers have said many times that they do not intend to make this feature.)
I agree with the WONTFIX. Part of wiki editing is having your screwups visible to all. ;) It would cause confusion if you can't be sure whether an edit summary was actually made at the time of the edit or not.
I had a suggestion in a similar vein if you're interested: bug 10723 (apparently squashed). --Eric