Last modified: 2007-12-06 19:24:23 UTC
In LocalSettings.php put: $wgLanguageCode='zh-tw'; $wgRightsUrl='http://GNU.../'; $wgRightsText='GFDL'; and select English in your user preferences, and view say the Main Page of one's freshly installed wiki. You will notice (best to test on a ISO-8859-1 console for full impact) how MessagesZh_tw.php:'copyright' => '本站的全部文本內容在$1之條款下提供。', does NOT change to MessagesEn.php:'copyright' => 'Content is available under $1.', despite the users preferences. I looks like Powered by MediaWiki * This page was last modified 14:29, 30 November 2007. * ????????????????????GFDL?????????????? Maybe this has to do with GlobalFunctions.php: * Use this if the message should NOT change dependent on the * language set in the user's preferences. This is the case for * most text written into logs, as well as link targets (such as * the name of the copyright policy page). Link titles, on the * other hand, should be shown in the UI language. But all I know is now on the bottom of every content page, a message that could simply be in the same language as the user's preferences, now becomes guaranteed gibberish if the user's language preference is different than $wgLanguageCode of LocalSettings.php. Or maybe the intention is "$wgLanguageCode will be written by the user using the same language as $wgLanguageCode, so we dare not let the surrounding text be in a different language." But you see above how the net effect backfired.
This is a content-language message; as it's expected to be customized for the site, it needs to show the official, primary (and thus likely to be customized) value.