Last modified: 2011-06-22 07:02:07 UTC
I spent 15 minutes typing up an enhancement request in this very box, then all my text was lost because you objected to my keywords. If you click on "here" holding down Shift, then delete the window after reading it, you are screwed. This form sucks.
This is the upstream bug
Changing Component: WikiBugs → Bugzilla Reason: The wikibugs component is designed for the I.R.C. bot.
Bulk-assigning open BZ issues to Fred.
This will get fixed as soon as the Mozilla Foundation gets around to solving the problem. We have an upgrade planned for Bugzilla coming up soon, but looking at the current Bugzilla bug thread, I am not convinced that it will be fixed. Resolving this bug until then.
WONTFIXing this bug. It's a upstream report that based on the upstream reports looks like it will never get touched and its pointless to have it sitting around in LATER forever unless someone wants to attempt to work on a local patch for it.