Last modified: 2007-10-13 14:51:54 UTC
Setting $wgMetaNamespace to anything in an installation of mediawiki in Persian language causes NS_PROJECT pages to be inaccessible however their name can be seen in mediawiki interface, in drop down menues and in special:Allpages when it lists pages in namespace 4 but when you click on links it says page does not exist and links to project namespace and its talk appear red in main namespaces(1 to ...not seudo-namespaces). This problem blocks to change the name of project while we don't change site name. I tested by adding and removing installed extensions. It wasn't because of them. This does not happen if the installation was originally in English and changing the language to others such as Persian in such this installation doesn't have this problem. This might be the problem of installation or core of mediawiki so I categorize this as general.
I tested this with many different situations. different languages and different namespace names, containing many characters and I installed mediawiki in fa, tr, en, ar languages and took many attempts in the favor of solving this problem. The problem didn't appear in some circumstances however I can't be absolutely sure when the problem exists and I might need to make more tests but the problem disappeared if I put '_' in the place of ' ' in namespace names. I think i'd better to evaluate this invalid and I hope that'll be all.