Last modified: 2010-05-15 15:51:58 UTC

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Bug 11043 - MonoBook bars collape behind logo if text removed
MonoBook bars collape behind logo if text removed
Product: MediaWiki
Classification: Unclassified
Parser (Other open bugs)
All All
: Lowest trivial (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Nobody - You can work on this!
URL http://radioscanningtw.jidanni.or...
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Reported: 2007-08-23 19:21 UTC by Dan Jacobson
Modified: 2010-05-15 15:51 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Web browser: ---
Mobile Platform: ---
Assignee Huggle Beta Tester: ---


Description Dan Jacobson 2007-08-23 19:21:37 UTC
Problem with only the MonoBook skin: If one sets MediaWiki:Disclaimers
etc. to "-", eliminating all the bottom clutter words, only the
poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png icon remains... but the two golden
horizontal bars surrounding it are unaware of its size and collapse in
a most bad looking fashion.

Mainly you have hardwired poweredby_mediawiki_88x31.png into Skin.php,
with no easy MediaWiki:Variable to replace it if desired... in fact if
one wanted a totally text site with no images, at least the obligatory
logos, one would have to hack things up and/or cause 404 Not Founds,
as you don't provide alternative variable overrides. Or one could

(There is no bugzilla "Skins" category to file this under.)
chose a different skin, yes. Anyway, the golden bars collapse.
Comment 1 Antoine "hashar" Musso (WMF) 2008-08-31 13:17:02 UTC
Not going to fix this as the footer is actually meant to have content.
If one really wanted to clean all text and remove the logo, the easiest
way is to edit the skin.

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