Last modified: 2007-08-16 16:05:39 UTC
Please activate patrolled versions on Discussion about this issue was done at the "village pump" and at several personal talk pages which are linked to from the "village pump". Results of the discussion: 2 Persons (including me) are pro 1 Person is interested and willing to test the feature 1 Person is indifferent and is willing to test the feature 1 Person is indifferent. I hope that this will be considered as a community consensus. If you have any questions, or need a translation of user statements, please contact me at I will also try to follow the discussion at bugzilla. Thank you Hei ber, user at de.wikiquote.
You mean patrolled edits, the little ! marks on RC that go away when you click [mark as patrolled] on the relevant version?
Yes, this is what i mean.
Thank you very much!