Last modified: 2010-05-15 15:33:39 UTC
A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was: UPDATE categorylinks SET cl_sortkey='CWiki:Sandbox2' WHERE cl_from='919' AND cl_sortkey='CWiki:Sandbox' from within function "SpecialMovepage::doSubmit". MySQL returned error "1146: Table 'creature.categorylinks' doesn't exist". Retrieved from " e" Fixed by changing instances of 'categorylinks' to $categorylinks in includes/LinksUpdate.php.
Oops... also had to go into includes/Title.php and add a line ($categorylinks = $dbw->tableName("categorylinks");) before the query, and then change categorylinks to $categorylinks
And... the original 'fix' wasn't the problem, and actually breaks other things.
Comment #1 sounds like the correct fix, which I've checked in to 1.5 and 1.4 branches. Don't touch LinksUpdate, which looks right already.